Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The "Palace of Positivity"

So I've been doing some "research" on the online shopping trend. Well, not so much on the trend but on the shopping itself. (And research is research right? No...I didn't buy anything. ;)
I found a site called Style Palace. It is Australian-based and had some very interesting collections. Even in Australia they believe in the comeback of the onsie. (That's my word for a jumpsuit in case you were confused for a second there. I am not talking about the undershirt-thingy you put on a baby). So I guess I will just have to get skinnier so I can join in on the fun. (By the time I reach my goal I'm pretty sure this trend will be over ;)
Over the weekend, I was involved in a conversation that involved a different kind of research. We were with good friends and I was sharing about some things I want to change in my life and about myself. These friends had an overwhelmingly supportive attitude and not only gave me a lot to think about in regards to making those changes, but taught me a lot about myself in the process. (If the going rate for a counselling session is  $90 an hour, I think I owe them about $300 with the tip ;) It was very helpful to hear what they had to say, and to hear my own voice talk out loud the thoughts and feelings that roll around in my innermost being. So first of all...Thank you to those friends for their love, patience and encouraging words. I have already reached my first tiny, realistic goal.
But there was mention of creating an environment which fosters healthy living for both my mind and body. We called it the "Palace of Positivity". It might have been thrown out there as a bit of a joke, but the phrase stuck in my head. That is where I want to dwell. And I am the one who can make that happen. When I am feeling a little curb-stomped by life, I will take a few breaths, choose to embrace the pain, and let it propel me forward to take that next tiny, realistic goal. And hopefully, when I look back in a few years, I will be thousands tiny steps forward. (Reading this back helps me realize how that seems so much more possible than one gigantic leap!)
So whether I'm in the virtual Style Palace, or my Palace of Positivity, I will Live Life.
I don't know if that makes sense to you, but it means the world to me.

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)