Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You Can't be Serious!

I feel lied to. Or at least like the young man talking to me was very confused. Here's the story...
 I was out for supper at a chain restaurant with a good friend recently and the waiter, in an attempt to be friendly, asked us about what we were up to that day. The topic of shopping came up (shocking, I know ;) and we let him in on our plans to go and be, once again, Forever 21. My friend hadn't yet checked it out since the store came to our city, so I had the exciting pleasure of showing her the ropes. Anyway, our waiter's response was "Forever 21? I wouldn't step foot in that store...It's a clothing store right?" First of all, don't judge the store if you don't even know what's in it! And second, they do have a guy's section, albeit pretty tiny in comparison to the vast forest of women's apparel.
He then went on to say, "But I do like to shop." Good. Now that I can respect. So I say, "What would be your first pick of stores to shop in?" And he said, "Well, I usually shop in the States. I just go once a year and stock up."
 This is where I felt the sting of the lie. Or mistake. Or whatever the heck it was. Can you see what is wrong with this picture?!? He couldn't be serious!
You can't tell me in the same breath that you like shopping and then say you only go once a year!!! 
That's like saying, "I love food so I eat once a week."
And I think the poor guy honestly thought that he was part of the "shopping club" in which I was the founder. Sorry man. I just voted you off the island.
And since I am ranting about honesty...here's my other verbal spewing coming at ya. I honestly hate having diabetes. I am not going to pretend otherwise just because it might be what you want to hear. And it's not so much the daily grind (Although that does get a little old after 28 years), so much as all the complications that come with it. There I said it. BUT...
I am truly thankful for everyday I have breath and can get up and go for a walk, play with my dog, or yes...of course...shop ;) Sure, I have health struggles, but I'll never forget when I was diagnosed at the age of nine, and in the hospital. My mom took me on a walk through the wing of the children's burn ward and there I saw children scarred for life and in horrific pain. And if ever I am feeling sorry for myself I think of that walk down agony lane and try to remind myself of what I have.
So trust me when I say this...
I won't pretend having diabetes is a piece of cake ;) but I love life, unlike the waiter's "love" of shopping, and I won't stop until I drop!

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)