Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ouch! That Hurts!

Think of your most fashionable shoes. Are they comfortable? I doubt it.
Why is it that often the coolest shoes hurt the worst? OR, they cost hundreds of dollars. Yes, it's true. You have to pay for the "comfort and style" combo. Unfortunately, I have way too many of those "fashionable only" shoes. And it's near impossible to tell for the 30 seconds you have them on in the store whether they will pass what I call the "walk the mall" test. I'll be honest. Sometimes I can be seen carrying my own pair while I wander around the department store in the almost-purchased pair to test them out. That may or may not give me a true picture of the comfort of my future with them.
So as per usual, this concept got me to thinking. (Maybe I think too much. The result turns into these ramblings, which are probably boring you to death. ;)
Anyhow, I started thinking about pain. And why it is necessary. I remember reading in a book (please don't ask me to remember which one) that pointed out the fact that pain is necessary. The burn of the stove element when you lean on it while talking on the phone when it is set to "high" tells you to lift your hand before it is further damaged. The stabbing, throbbing sensation you feel when you break the 26 bones in your foot after dropping a couch on it warns you that you are in a bad place. (Cuz otherwise you wouldn't know you had a couch sitting on your foot?) The pain you feel in your hips when you decide to go on a big grocery shop shortly after surgery screams "Stop moving!!! You're making things worse!" (I know, I know. Dumb. Really dumb.)
So as awful as pain is, I suppose I can see the necessity of it. (At least physical pain. I think emotional pain is a whole 'nother topic.)
So that gorgeously hip pair of cheap heels is probably trying to tell me something when my pinky toe is squished into the too-tight fake leather side-wall.
From now on...I should probably listen. (But am not in a position to make any promises ;)
And just as a little p.s...In case you were wondering...I did not get bad news at the eye specialist the other day. The Doc said things look "quiet" which means nothing has changed and that's all I can ask for. Now if I can just talk myself out of celebrating with a piece of carrot cake...

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record - if your 'ramblings' as you put it, are boring anyone they probably aren't reading them! And they are crazy - at least in my opinion but I suppose I could be a little biased - LOL.
    Luv ya!


What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)