Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Positive Perceptions

Why is it that one day an outfit looks good, the next day horrible, and then great a few days later? I put on the exact same jeans, frilly tank top and shoes on all three occasions and get three different results. I don't get it. I mean, I haven't changed shape in that time, so why does it seem I have more junk in my trunk one day and have a flatter stomach the next? (Okay, so using the word "flatter" may imply there is an element of flatness. There's not. It's just less poofy. Get over it. ) You can apply this phenomenon to hair-dos as well. I can wear my hair perfectly flat-ironed straight two days in a row - like it the second time and hate it the first. Why, why, why! I just need some consistency in my life! How do I know when I am trying that new dress on in the store if it is one of the good looking days or bad looking ones? (And don't even get me started about the distorted mirrors they put in change rooms to make you look skinnier...)
It must be a perception thing.
I had another interesting moment in time yesterday. I was about to pull my car out of a parallel parked position and checked how much room I had between me and the truck ahead of me before I got in. The amount of space was as vast as outer-space (well, not quite ;) and I knew I definitely had room to just pull out, without even backing up at all.
Until I got into the driver's seat. Then all of a sudden there wasn't so much room in front of me. No, the truck hadn't moved. The only thing that had changed was my perspective. Interesting. Even though just a few seconds before, I knew I had the room, I now doubted that fact. And what did I do? I backed up a foot or so.
I couldn't help but see a "parallel" (Get it? ;) to another area of my life. I know I can get tighter control of my blood sugar levels, say "No!" to temptation and make positive life choices. I really do wholeheartedly know it. I've done it before. But then, let's say, a piece of carrot cake (substitute any number of temptations) will appear before me and I begin to doubt myself. It's like a dashboard of excuses blocks my vision and I give in and back up a foot or so before moving forward. The only difference is, when I do that, it sometimes turns into the equivalent of misjudging and hitting the car behind me.
So, once again, I must choose to trust in the reality that I can believe in myself. That I do believe in myself.
So, whether unparking a car, choosing an outfit for the day, or deciding on a healthy lifestyle choice, let's trust our good, true perspectives, rather than the negative ugly ones.
I think I'll go do my hair now... ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)