Saturday, May 28, 2011

Showing Some Skin

The other day, I was flipping through a fashion magazine and came across an ad for Chanel. The model was sporting a look that I haven't seen in a very long time (except possibly on men) and it was extremely memorable. She was wearing suspenders. I know, right? Suspenders! And I don't think it had anything to do with a need to hold up her pants under a ponchy belly. No, she was "model" thin.
I'm not sure if seeing that ad was inspiring or disturbing. I mean...could I pull off the suspender look today? If so, I might wear them a little differently than she did though. Like wear a shirt underneath them perhaps! Talk about strategic placement. No, I'm not 100% sure that would be a good look for me.
I wonder if models inwardly squirm even after their 420th photo shoot consisting of those "suspenders only" kind of shots. Or do they just think about the fake wind blowing through their hair (that must be cold!) or how uncomfortable the one-size-too-small $450 red patent leather heels their feet are crammed into feel. {sigh} It's a tough cross to bear.
But seriously, I think there is some validity to vulnerability. As squirmy as it feels to open up and bare our souls, I still think we need each other. Sure, we need to be choosy as to who we trust with our inner-most struggles and insecurities, but once we've found a few chosen people, the benefits for all concerned can be huge.
I've learned that when it comes to my diabetes, I need to have accountability to stay strong enough to battle the daily temptations. I have goals, and sometimes I need to be reminded of those goals. Whether it be an improved A1C (basically your average blood sugar over 3 months) or choosing to exercise harder, it's good to let the people that love me, encourage me to reach those goals the best I can.
So, I doubt that you will see me walking around with only 2 strategically placed 1-inch wide elastics on my chest, but I believe there is a time and place to feel a little naked.
So instead of "showing some skin", I think I will stay covered and when appropriate, get the help I need by showing what's under the skin instead.
Besides...who likes to be cold? ;)

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)