Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just "Vogue" Part 2

You'd think that fashion and surgery don't mix but...
My surgery is over. I am now a patient in my own home. Recovery is slow going but at least going in the right direction.
As for the actual experience, I was very disappointed in the nurse in charge. The instruction sheet had said to bring slippers, so I brought a pair of unworn purple flats for the occasion. I figured at least my feet would look happy. But noooo. She made me put on the ever-so-stylish hospital gown (which took me 10 minutes to figure out how to actually make it conform to my body), a pair of hospital slippers (so disappointing) AND a hospital cap! So there I was, at my very makeup, no nose ring, no hairdo, just one big sterile blob on a stretcher. Sigh.
The good news is I didn't get puking sick from the anesthetic. The bad news is, it hurt(s) like...........Heck! (Feel pity here.) It could always be worse though right?
The medical team looking after me pre-op and post-op was fantastic actually. I found myself complimenting them on such a friendly and efficient environment. They deserved a 20% tip for sure. I just couldn't afford it. Do you know how much it costs to do surgery these days?!? (I really have no idea since it was all paid for, but I can only imagine. Thank you Canada for your health care.)
Then, on the way home, we had to stop at our local pharmacy to fill some prescriptions for post-op care of my body. While I sat in the car, my husband went to the pharmacy and then to the mail. In our box was a fabulous surprise! It was a free fashion magazine! (I know, they are just trying to get my business, but who cares! It was free!) What perfect timing!
So here I am, at home "enjoying" some fashion tips from Flare. And you can be sure about one thing...
I may not look quite as "sterile" as I did on Monday, but I certainly am not going to tell you how I look now.
Madonna will have to wait. I won't be striking a pose anytime soon! ;)

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