Thursday, May 12, 2011

La la la..."My Hips Don't Lie"

I had to leave the house this morning. If you've read my last two blogs you will know this is kind of a big deal. In case you're out of the proverbial loop, I'll let you in on the secret. I had surgery on Monday. Shocking, I know. But regardless, I am moving, ummm, let's say, slower than usual. I am having a lot of muscle pain in my legs and hips, but even I had to chuckle to myself when the song "My Hips Don't Lie" by Shikira popped into my head while making my way down the medical clinic's hallway.
I had to get blood work done, which meant going to the city and getting my carcass down to the basement lab. (I seem to have overcome my fear of elevators for the occasion.;) I am just proud of myself that I was fully clothed, if I do say so myself.
Going to the lab is always an interesting experience. First off, you have all the lab techs in their cutesy scrubs covered with bunny rabbits or puppies. I wonder if those furry little creatures painted all over the person coming at you with eight blood vials, a needle and a urine sample cup actually make people feel happier about their health situation. I suppose it's worth a try.
Then you have the people in the waiting room. I don't know if I am the best covert spy in the world (probably not actually ;) but I try to scope an area without being too obvious. I am always fascinated by what I see. Elderly people sleeping (to their credit, it was 7:45a.m.), business men in suits talking on their blue-tooth while impatiently tapping their foot, and then of course, the 50-year-old woman in the center of the room dressed in a bad bold 80's outfit wearing bright red lipstick. (Did I mention it was 7:45 a.m.?) No, I never go to the lab without my notebook and pen. Sure, I look important but really am just gathering material for times such as these.
But I am sure there was someone in that room taking notes on me this morning, because I looked "mature beyond my years" if you know what I mean ;) And  I probably wouldn't make Shikira proud with my moves but it's unfortunately still true...
..."my hips don't lie..."

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)