Monday, May 30, 2011

Night of a Lifetime

I was just at the biggest concert I could ever go to last night. And by "biggest" I mean it in every sense of the word. You guessed it. U2 at the stadium. And it was fantastic!
First of all, let's talk about what people wear to a concert of that magnitude. I personally opted for comfort and warmth since we were in the upper balcony and had to climb the dizzying ramp all the way up. I was amazed though at how many women wore tiny jackets and even tinier high heels, even though climbing that same ramp. I will admit, I felt a little shlumpy in my sketchers and fleece, but once the sun went down and it cooled off, I think I was the one to be jealous of. Plus, once the music starts, who cares what you are wearing. It was U2!!!!
I did have a minor amount of stress walking the mile from out parking spot, over a fence and up the ramp at the stadium since I was having a bad leg day. (I get random muscle pain and also realized I am not fully recovered from surgery.) It didn't help that I fell down two steps in the restaurant right before, after having supper with friends. Let's just say it was a jarring experience and leave it at that. So, there was not quite as much dancing on my part as I would have liked. (Did I mention the low blood sugar at the bottom of the ramp? Not cool.)
It must have been confusing for the woman at the gate checking my bag as she pulled out a diet drink, almonds, a chocolate bar and a baggy full of my night time meds. She was going to confiscate the drink and nuts until I pulled the diabetes card and convinced her I couldn't eat or drink anything they were offering. After getting special permission to keep the "there's absolutely no way I can let you keep that drink" drink, she threw the nuts back into my purse as a freebie as well. See? There are perks to  having diabetes!
The stage was amazing, but I will admit I felt a little brain over-stimulation a few times from the spinning and flashing bright lights. (Thank goodness I took motion sickness meds first.) But when that happened I just closed my eyes and let the music move through me. That was almost the highlight of the evening. (Except then I couldn't watch what Bono and The Edge were doing.) U2's music simply touches the soul and washes over you in an unspeakable way. I could try to explain further but I don't want to risk cheapening it with words.
"Stay" was my musical favorite of the night and the words are remarkably powerful as well. They're the kind that make you think, and that's one of the things that makes a good song great.
Once again I am thankful that I am still able to attend concerts, climb over fences (although it wasn't pretty ;) and see well enough to mostly know what's going on.
Thanks Bono and the team, for an outstanding moment in time that I will never forget.
I hope I can "Stay" in that moment for a long time to come.

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What the heck...say whatever is on your mind! (Regarding my thoughts that is ;)